Chiropractic focuses on the relationship between the spine and the nervous system, and your body’s ability to heal itself once spinal health is restored. This relationship forms the basis for the effective treatment of back pain, and for optimizing your overall health.
Types of care
Initial intensive care
At this stage of care the patient is in pain and the visits may be frequent depending on the severity of the condition. The focus is to reduce the painful symptoms by restoring a better range of motion, removing the interference so the body can heal and inflammation can subside.
Stabilisation Care
The painful symptoms have subsided, but the spine is in a delicate situation. The objective here is to stabilise the spine, and let the muscles and soft tissues surrounding the joint heal so as to prevent the body relapsing into pain. Leaving your care program too early could see a possible relapse at this stage. It’s akin to injuring a muscle: the pain may have subsided but unless you follow that up with appropriate rehabilitation and training it won’t be in the right condition to be put to use in a competitive sense. If you attempt to stride out and run, the injured tissue hasn’t fully healed so the chances of the injury recurring will be high.
Check Up Phase
With the body’s functions restored to optimal levels, regular chiropractic checkups will assist in maintaining good health and help to avoid or minimise the chance of relapsing into pain.
Today’s busy lifestyle demands that we take our health seriously. Stressful, or labour intensive jobs, sedentary environments that see us sitting in front of a computer for too long, over or under-exercising, confusing messages about diet, trying to get the work/life balance right… this is just a fraction of the many ways our environment can take a toll on our health and wellbeing. Many of the aches and pains we feel are beyond natural ageing and are the result of not looking after our nervous system properly.
Taking care of your spinal health with regular Chiropractic visits gives you the upper hand in managing injury, aches and pains. But it’s so much more than that; it’s a way of protecting your living cells- your organs, muscles and tissues- so they can do their best to keep you in good health.
Please click here to contact us for your consultation today